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The Art of Worship Archives

May His Kingdom Ever Increase On Earth As It Is In Heaven


The Art of Worship was an article blog birthed in 2014 and then shuttered in 2016 only to resurface in the Summer of 2023 from a desire to convey the truths of God’s Word instilling in those reading a sense that worship is not something you just do on Sundays and Wednesdays but rather it is an all-encompassing way of life. Worship permeates every facet of our lives as believers. Everything we say, do, and think is saturated with the worship of something or someone. Let us do well to keep guard over our lives and doctrine being living sacrifices unto the one true God and Jesus Christ who He sent to live the life we could not live, die the death we deserve, and be raised to life so that we may walk in newness of life.


This vision has not ceased but rather it has developed into something more. There is a common mantra out there in these modern times that shouts “All Of Christ For All Of  Life” from the mountaintops. What started as The Art of Worship has now developed into Grace & Truth Articles. We have decided to leave the original articles here for archival reasons. For latest articles please click the button below to be directed to the Grace and Truth Press site. As we continue to grow as a ministry, there is one mantra we would like to add to “All Of Christ For All of Life” and that is “May His Kingdom Ever Increase On Earth As It Is In Heaven”. Our aim is to provide rich and robust theological content for the edification of the local church. We hope you are blessed by our content and pray the Lord Jesus Christ will grow you in the knowledge and understanding of His Will through His Word by His Spirit.

Visit Grace & Truth Articles
Gleaning from the Lives of Saul and Samuel
Gleaning from the Lives of Saul and Samuel

There are characters in the Bible to whom you may be able to relate, and they might have even significantly impacted your life. I would like you to think, mourn, laugh, and praise God with these two characters in the Bible: Saul and Samuel.

Family Worship in the Home
Family Worship in the Home

Many Reformed Church Elders want strong members in their faith. Solid in Apostolic Doctrine, and with a heart on fire for the Gospel of Christ.

Turning Cheeks or Tables?
Turning Cheeks or Tables?

One of the most popular movements in evangelicalism today is the cult of “niceness.” This desire for niceness has become so intense within certain circles that it trumps the desire for Biblical truth and doctrinal clarity.

Pastors, Race Cars, and Pace Cars
Pastors, Race Cars, and Pace Cars

I have observed that pastoring, teaching, preaching, and other elements of ministry life can often feel like a race. If you are a pastor, teacher, or preacher, you know the feeling that I am describing.

We Are The Suffering Servants
We Are The Suffering Servants

Suffering will happen in the life of the Christian. If you are living out your faith, engaging the world, and making sacrifices to spread the Gospel, you will suffer.

TULIP: The Five Points Of Love
TULIP: The Five Points Of Love

Most who revile the Doctrines of Grace hate God’s sovereign election of sinners. The reason for this hatred is straightforward: man from the very beginning has wanted to be God.

Rome Was Not Built In a Day
Rome Was Not Built In a Day

If you are looking for an objective moral standard that is unchanging then you will only find such a standard in the Holy Scriptures themselves.

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